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Updated 5-18-2024

See our House and Travel pages for details and registration forms. 

Travel Teams

  • Registration OPEN - see our Travel page for info.

House Age Divisions for 2024 are by Birth Year:   

  • Visit our House Soccer page for info.

Please apply to help in one of these ways by completing the linked form:

Contact Us with questions, interest, or ideas.

  • President - Allen Turton
  • Vice President - Janae Clark
  • Treasurer - Kate Wypij
  • Secretary - Cheryl Bennett
  • Director of Coaching - open (A.T. Interim)
  • Travel Coordinator - Janae Clark

Download the Sports Engine App - Add Alden Soccer Club

Please download the Sports Engine APP.

Use the email address use to register players to get full functionality (chat, schedules, messages, ...).

After installation, follow / star your team and the club team to keep up to date on all news and information. 

Club blankets

The club is now partnering with a local company to offer sideline blankets for those chilly games !